How We Calculate Ratings
Each project is audited using the same techniques to ensure comparisons can be made between projects and audits are legitimate.
There are currently 4 categories that determine the overall rating (subject to change):
Smart Contract Complexity
Team Trust
Each Category can score from 0 to 100. It is rated in 10% intervals.
Great Rating (80-100%)
Good Rating (70-79%)
70%Decent Rating (50-69%)
60%Not Good Rating (0-49%)
50%Example Audit Rating:
Overall Audit Score
90%Smart Contract Complexity
85%Team Trust
Overall Audit Score:
This is the final Audit Rating. It is calculated by taking the average of each category.
This rating determines whether or not the contract has owner privileges to move funds out of the contract or users wallets without the users knowledge, essentially draining contracts/wallets.
While these ratings are a standard, there may be situations where a unique rating is given based on the projects purpose.
100% | There are no methods that can withdraw funds to a non investor wallet |
50% | There are methods that give an unfair advantage, however the contract is not able to be drained. |
0% | There are backdoors in the contract that allows the owner or someone equivalent full access to the contract funds. |
100% | 4% Fees or Less |
90% | 5-6% Fees |
80% | 7-8% Fees |
70% | 9-10% Fees |
60% | 11-12% Fees |
50% | 13-14% Fees |
30% | 15% Fees or More |
100% | Contract is functional with 0 Owner functions and has notations in contract that anyone can understand. |
90% | Contract is functional with 1 Owner function and may have notations in contract that anyone can understand. |
80% | Contract is functional with 2 Owner functions and may have notations in contract that anyone can understand. |
50% | Contract is functional with 5 or more Owner functions and may not have notations in contract that anyone can understand. |
40% | Contract is functional with many Owner functions. It may also have the ability for the owner to interact with the funds directly. |
0% | Contract is not verified and cannot be audited properly. Or Contract is very complex with overlapping functions and redundancies. |
Team Trust:
This rating is based on the teams’ previous success. If they ran projects before, they can submit them during the audit request. It is up to their discretion if they want the previous projects names listed in the audit. Either way they choose we still use the knowledge to rate their Team Trust score below:
100% | Team is known and has released more than 10 projects or is KYC with Watchdogs/Other |
90% | Team is known and has released more than 5 projects or is KYC with Watchdogs/Other |
80% | Team is known and has released more than 3 project |
70% | Team is known and has released more than 1 project |
60% | Team is known but has not released any projects |
50% | Team is not known and has an small/medium active community with well known members |
40% | Team is not known and has an small active community |
30% | Team is not known and has an inactive/bot community |
0% | Team is not known and there is no community, no/dead social media OR owner is known scammer |