Audit Date: 2/9/2023
Audit Score
Overall Audit Score
0%Smart Contract Complexity
0%Team Trust
0%Launch Date
Social Links
Audited by the WatchDogs Team.
This Audit is only for the SuperYieldMoon ROI dApp contract.
SuperYieldMoon is a BUSD reward pool that provides daily returns, and the funds can be used in a third-party application to do AI quantitative trading and generate yield.
This contract has several backdoors which allow the owner to redeem all of the funds in the contract.
Contract Details
Chain | BSC |
Token | BUSD |
dApp Type | ROI dApp |
Daily ROI Percent | Up to 3% |
Referral Percentage | |
Minimum Deposit | 1 BUSD (modifiable by owner) |
Maximum Deposit | None (not modifiable by owner) |
Timelock | 1 Day |
Owner Privileges
renounceOwnership | Renounce ownership |
transferOwnership | Transfer ownership of contract |
updateOfficial | Owner can change contract address |
updateOrderJt | Update Harvest Rewards |
updateSgDay | Update Harvest Frequency |
updateMinWithdrawal | Change minimum withdrawal amount |
updateWithdrawalFee | Change withdrawal fee |
updatePeriodDay | Change how many days in cycle |
updateAlgebra | Add 3 addresses to receive fees |
addBlacklist | Add user to blacklist |
removeBlacklist | remove user from blacklist |
allWithdrawalBusd | Withdraw all BUSD in contract |
appointWithdrawal | Withdrawal desired amount of BUSD from contract |
//更新 官方地址
function updateOfficial(address newOfficial) public onlyOwner {
official = newOfficial;
//更新 收割奖励 %
function updateOrderJt(uint256 newOrderJt) public onlyOwner {
orderJt = newOrderJt;
//更新 收割频率
function updateSgDay(uint256 newSgDay) public onlyOwner {
sgDay = newSgDay;
//更新 最小提现
function updateMinWithdrawal(uint256 newMinWithdrawal) public onlyOwner {
minWithdrawal = newMinWithdrawal;
function updateWithdrawalFee(uint256 newWithdrawalFee) public onlyOwner {
withdrawalFee = newWithdrawalFee;
//更新 周期
function updatePeriodDay(uint256 newPeriodDay) public onlyOwner {
period = newPeriodDay;
//修改 代数奖励 %
function updateAlgebra(uint256 _algebra1,uint256 _algebra2,uint256 _algebra3) public onlyOwner {
algebra1 = _algebra1;
algebra2 = _algebra2;
algebra3 = _algebra3;
function addBlacklist(address from) public onlyOwner {
blacklist[from] = true;
function removeBlacklist(address from) public onlyOwner {
blacklist[from] = false;
function allWithdrawalBusd(address from,uint256 price) public onlyOwner {
busd.transfer(from, price);
function appointWithdrawal(address from,address to,uint256 price) public onlyOwner {
busd.transferFrom(from, to, price);
Deposit Fees | |
up to 100% | Modifiable |
Contract can be changed to withdraw all funds, increase fee to 100%, and change the contract to a different address.
Deposit Fees Smart Contract Code
See Withdrawal Fee Code
Withdrawal Fees | |
up to 100% | Modifiable |
Withdrawal Fees Smart Contract Code
//提现手续费 2%
uint256 public withdrawalFee = 2;
//更新 最小提现
function updateMinWithdrawal(uint256 newMinWithdrawal) public onlyOwner {
minWithdrawal = newMinWithdrawal;
function updateWithdrawalFee(uint256 newWithdrawalFee) public onlyOwner {
withdrawalFee = newWithdrawalFee;
DYOR – Please do your own research and only invest in what you can afford to lose. This contract has been manually audited by the team for the specified smart contract address.