Audit Date: 11/10/2022
Audit Score
Overall Audit Score
70%Smart Contract Complexity
85%Team Trust
90%Launch Date
Social Links
Investors can buy Crystals using BNB (1 Crystal = 0.0005 BNB). These Crystals can be used to unlock/buy castle floors and to add more vampires to each floor. The higher the castle and the more vampires hired the more daily profit will be received. There are a total of 5 castles, and each castle comes with 1 vampire and can be upgraded to a maximum of 5 vampires per floor. The vampires produce Gold, which can be sold (1 Gold = 0.000005 BNB).
An investor can sell their castles, which will set vampires count to zero (and hence no daily profit), and this will send the user the calculated profit for the next 5 days.
- • No backdoors
- • No malicious code to withdraw funds
- • Owner Privileges – “initialize” function to start the smart contract to allow deposits and withdrawals
Fork Type (if any):
The smart contract is a fork of Kingdom Cash with minimal changes.
Contract Details
Chain | BSC |
Token | BNB (Native Token) |
dApp Type: | ROI DAPP |
Daily ROI Percent | up to 4.32% |
Referral Percentage | 8% referral commission is paid to the referrer in the form of crystals. + x4 of the purchased crystal will be added to the referrer in the form of gold. |
Minimum Deposit | N/A |
Maximum Deposit | N/A |
Reward Accumulation Cut Off | 24 hours (upgradable to 48 hours with Level #5 castle) |
Owner Privileges
Initialize – Starts the smart contract and allows deposits & withdrawals. This is OK.
function initialize() external {
require(manager1 == msg.sender);
init = true;
Deposit Fees Smart Contract Code
Deposit Fees | |
5% | Half to manager1 in BNB Half to manager2 in BNB |
8% | In Crystals |
Deposit Fees Smart Contract Code
towers[manager1].crystals += ((crystals * 8) / 100) / 2;
towers[manager2].crystals += ((crystals * 8) / 100) / 2;
payable(manager1).transfer(((msg.value * 5) / 100) / 2);
payable(manager2).transfer(((msg.value * 5) / 100) / 2);
Withdrawal Fees Smart Contract Code
DYOR – Please do your own research and only invest in what you can afford to lose. This contract has been manually audited by the team for the specified smart contract address.